As always, for those who have signed up for the podcast at the Executive Producer level, we send out notable video and newspaper clips that aided us in preparing for the episode. Below are some of the Saturday Night Live sketches and media clips we reference throughout the episode, to enhance the listening process.
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Here are some of the materials we discuss throughout the Season Twenty One episode:
Wake Up and Smile
Hands-down the best sketch of the season. The show can’t pull out a bloody severed head very often, but when it does, it is glorious.
Get Off the Shed
On Will Ferrell’s first show, a star is born.
Jacuzzi Lifeguard
Whether you like this sketch depends largely on your personal feelings about Jim Carrey. But Ferrell, a newcomer, holds his own against the biggest comedy star in the world.
Ted Kaczynski’s Class Reunion
Ferrell really shows off what a great performer he would come to be. Calm, relaxed, and comfortable - this showed he had a different gear from the rest of the cast.