'Wasn't That Special' Season One Clips Package
For those who sign up for the podcast at the Executive Producer level, we will send out notable video and newspaper clips that aided us in preparing for the episode. Below are some of the sketches and media clips we reference throughout the episode, to enhance the listening process.
If you haven’t done so yet, you can listen to the Introduction podcast here and the Season One podcast here.
So please help keep the podcast advertisement-free and upgrade to the Executive Producer level, which will keep these emails coming in the future!
(Although if you want to support us at a lower level and want to just hear the shows, you can do that, too!)
Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor: Word Association
Land Shark II:
Bass-O-Matic ‘76:
Samurai Hotel:
Lily Tomlin teaches her students how to catcall:
Andy Kaufman:
And you can watch Christian’s “most prescient” sketch, Black Perspectives, here.
Other non-sketch videos:
John Belushi’s SNL audition tape:
Laraine Newman on the First SNL show:
The original SNL cast is inducted into the Television Hall of Fame:
Of course, the media also had plenty to say about both the cast and the show itself. In 1973, the New York Times reviewed “Lemmings,” the show that brought John Belushi and Chevy Chase to New York. It initially did not get a good review, although the paper would later concede it was a big hit.
SNL received its first New York Times review following the Simon and Garfunkel episode (E2), but the reviewer, John O’Connor, concedes he didn’t see the first half of the episode because he was enjoying a particularly good dinner on Long Island:
The first proper review of the show in the NYT came in November, when O’Connor raved about the show, but concluded by wondering whether it could actually last.